The Sister Sign Podcast

Supportive Friends

Alyssa Nyree Season 1 Episode 21

Real friends. How many of us? I love that song. But really, how many of us can say we have REAL friends? Friends who are there through all of your different phases. Friends who don't say "you've changed" like that's a bad thing. Friends who genuinely want the best for you; regardless if they like what you're doing or not. In episode 21, the sister signs highlight the do's and don'ts of a truly supportive friend.

Jasly talks about some of her atrocious fashion days in middle and high school. The evolved Libra fashionista in her would be highly disappointed. Alyssa reminsces on the days where she didn't have enough love for her natural hair. Thankfully she's also evolved and no longer burns her hair daily with the straightener.