The Sister Sign Podcast
Your sister sign is the sign that’s opposite yours on the astrological chart. Aries is the first sign in the zodiac and libra is the seventh. Your sister sign has polar opposite elements and traits. You sometimes find yourself drawn to your sister sign throughout your life, but sometimes you find that you can’t stand them. Aries tackle everything they do with tenacity, reacting quickly and making decisions fast. Libras are balanced and take time with their decisions, weighing each option carefully. Aries can learn to be more level-headed from Libras, while a Libra may learn how to state their opinion more often from an Aries.
The Sister Sign Podcast
Sit Down While It's Still An Option
Alyssa Nyree
Season 1
Episode 27
Your body will give you signs when it needs a break. It's up to you to recognize those signs and sit down while it's still an option. When you ignore your body's signals, your body forces you to sit tf down. This is exactly what Alyssa recently experienced.
Alyssa highlights some of the lessons she learned during her break. It's Gemini Season! Jasly talks about her experiences with Gemini men and women.